Lelly's Ecology Bootcamp

1:06 minutes 1080


In this montage, Lelly gathers new students for an intensive day of preparation for life as a researcher. Lelly provides them with a framework for their research and writing, explaining the depth of possibilities for their studies, but also what to expect from her as a supervisor. Featuring Sufraha Islamia, sharing her experiences as a fresh graduate.


Music: "Three Little Drummers from the George Washington Show" by The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, https://freemusicarchive.org/music/The_United_States_Army_Old_Guard_Fife_and_Drum_Corps/Celebrating_50_Years/05_1800, public domain.

License & Attribution

By Joaquim Baeta and Lelly Marliana. This video and the files associated with it are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You are free to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon them in any medium or format, provided you give appropriate credit to Joaquim Baeta and Lelly Marliana, indicate any changes, and redistribute any derivative work under the same (or equivalent) license.

Example attribution: "Lelly's Ecology Bootcamp" by Joaquim Baeta and Lelly Marliana, https://scenoptica.com/film/lellys-ecology-bootcamp.html, CC BY-SA.