location: Universitas Gadjah Mada

A Cat Cleans
A Cat Through Vegetation
Andra and Billy
Andra and Kunkun
Ani and Andra with Bessey
Ani and Andra with Kunkun
Ani and Billy
Animal House and Trees
Billy Cleans on the Faculty of Biology Road
Black and White Cat in a Faculty of Biology Building
Blurry Leaves and Light
Cat Sleeps on a Well Cover
Cat Stalking
Cats Play Beside the Faculty of Biology Road
Cats Play with an Umbrella
Cats Playing as They Follow Joaquim and Rury
Cats Through Vegetation
Cats Wait for Food
Centre Frame of a Faculty of Geography Tree, One
Centre Frame of a Faculty of Geography Tree, Two
Close-up of Grass
Faculty of Biology's Tree Canopy
Ground Level View of Jalan Teknika Selatan
Ground Vegetation in Kebun Biologi
Homalopsis buccata
Iis in a Faculty of Biology Building
Iis Looking for Food
Iis Next to Kebun Biologi
Iis on the Faculty of Biology Road
Iis Smells Something
Insect on Leaf
Jalan Kesehatan from Kebun Biologi, One
Jalan Kesehatan from Kebun Biologi, Two
Kebun Biologi's Trees
Kunkun Cleaning
Kunkun Lording
Kunkun on the Faculty of Biology Road
Kunkun Watching
Lelly Cleans Bessey
Lelly's Ecology Bootcamp
Long Shot of Twins Cleaning
Long, Downward Shots of Jalan Teknika Selatan
Looking Down at Faculty of Biology Road
Looking Down at Jalan Teknika Selatan
Looking Up at a Universitas Gadjah Mada Building
Looking Up at Kebun Biologi's Trees
Macrothelypteris torresiana in a University Campus
Milking Adult Malayan Pit Viper (Calloselasma rhodostoma) Venom, in Slow Motion
Milking Banded Krait (Bungarus fasciatus) Venom, in Slow Motion
Milking Juvenile Malayan Pit Viper (Calloselasma rhodostoma) Venom, in Slow Motion
Owiii and Iis Cleaning
Owiii Cleaning
Owiii Watches the World Go By
Pom Poko Presentations 2022
Pteridium aquilinum Next to the Animal House
Rury and Iis
Rury Chats with Lelly while Owiii Cleans
Rury Eprilurahman on Caring for the Cats of the Faculty of Biology
Rury Eprilurahman on Finding Dogs in the Faculty of Biology and the Adoption of Rescued Cats
Rury Feeds the Faculty of Biology Cats
Rury Pets Bessey
Sleepy Iis
Slow Pan of the Animal House as Cats Wait for Food
Snake Milking: The Most Nerve-racking Aspect of Producing Antivenom
Sneak Peek: Understanding Plagiarism
Students Feed Cats on the Faculty of Biology Road
The Cats of the Faculty of Biology
Twin Behind Purple Flowers
Twin with Students and Rury in Background
Twins Waiting
When You Find a Spitting Cobra (Naja sputatrix) Hiding Behind Your Bag
Zooming in on the Animal House